New Eagle Scout Project Requirements

Attention Scouts, Leaders, and Parents or Guardians:

Eagle Scout rank requirement 5 has been reworded. To support that change, a new Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook has been created. Through Dec. 31, 2011, Scouts have a choice to use either the new workbook or the one it is replacing. Scouts whose Eagle Scout service project has already been approved by the council or district under the former wording of requirement 5—and using the former workbook—should continue with the same workbook. If their project has not yet been approved by the council or district, they may elect to use the revised requirement 5 and the new workbook. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, Eagle Scout candidates—unless they have already submitted a plan for approval by the council or district under the former requirement—will be expected to fulfill the revised service project requirement 5 using the new workbook.

A fillable PDF version of the new project workbook is available here.

During the transition period, the District Advancement Committee will review projects according to the requirements in either the old or new Guide to Advancement, depending on which Eagle Project form is chosen.  Beginning January 1, 2012, the new forms will be mandatory for all new approvals and the revised (2011) Guide to Advancement will be consulted for all advancement procedures.