Positive Changes Coming to GLCcamps in 2012

>>October 2011 GLC Camp Announcement

New Reservation System to Debut in 2012

The Great Lakes Council is pleased to announce that we are upgrading our weekend camping reservation module on our website, glcscouting.org. The new reservation system will be user friendly, much easier to see what is reserved for a weekend, and be able to save information, so that you will not have to input your contact information for every reservation. The new system will also allow for the implementation of reserving programs, such as Shooting Sports and Horse Programs offered at camp.

The new reservation system is in the process of being finalized, and we should have our first look at the system in the middle of January, 2012. Once we have the go ahead of the system, we will be utilizing a group of volunteers to test the new system, and “break” it for us. We plan to be utilizing the new system in the end of the first quarter of 2012.

Cabin Price Increase

Due to the increased costs to camping facilities, the Great Lakes Council Camping Committee has approved a rate increase for all cabins (indoor sleeping facilities) at GLC camps.

The rate increase will be $1.00 per bed based on the number of beds in a cabin, for example a cabin with 12 beds will go up $12, while a cabin with 60 beds will go up $60.

This rate increase will become effective with the debut of the new camping reservation system on glcscouting.org, which is expected March 15, 2012.
All current reservations in the system prior to the new date will not be subject to the rate increase.

Yours in Scouting,

Chuck Truza Gus Chutorash
VP Outdoor Adventures GLC Camping Director

December 21, 2011