Changes to GLC Summer 2012 Boy Scout Summer Camping Season
The objective of our camping family of volunteers and professionals is to be good stewards of our Great Lakes Council camps, programs and properties to ensure outstanding camping and growth experiences for today and tomorrow’s scouting youth. To accomplish that, we have made several difficult but necessary decisions that will affect our 2012 Summer Boy Scout Camping season. Please click on this link (letter) to see a further explanation of this decision. These are the changes for the 2012 sessions:
- First, we are reducing the number of weeks at Cole Canoe Base to seven from this year’s eight.
- Secondly, we will not have Boy Scout Summer Camp at D-bar-A Scout Ranch in 2012. Look for additional Family Camping and Cub Scout activities to be announced.
- Finally, having not increased our basic fees in three years, the camping committee has recommended a fee increase of $30 per scout and $25 per leader for the 2012 season. The fee increase which we chose to not implement in 2011 will now bring us in line with other scouting camps in Michigan and keep us financially strong.
We understand that this will inconvenience the 21 units that signed up at D-bar-A and Cole, but we will be contacting each unit individually to accommodate them and offer first priority. If we can recruit additional outside units and encourage the 45 GLC units that camp outside of council to move to a GLC camp, we will be able to add additional weeks to our 2012 schedule at both camps.
As fellow volunteers, the members of the Camping Committee and your District Camping Chairs need your continuing help and support to make our camps an outstanding experience. Please feel free to contact us through our “Camping Hotline” on the website or if you have an urgent question contact either one of us directly.
Yours in Scouting,
Chuck Truza |
Gus Chutorash |
VP Outdoor Adventures |
GLC Camping Director |
October 5, 2011