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Council & District Calendars
Policy On Office Closing When our area is experiencing inclement weather, please check radio and television stations for school closings. When the Detroit Public Schools are closed, the Dauch Scout Center will not open at its normally scheduled time. When the Waterford Public Schools are closed, the Waterford Scout Center will not open at its normally scheduled time. Council staff will not be required to report to work as regularly scheduled. The weather conditions will be reviewed mid-morning by council leadership.
Find out who's who at the GLC council offices, where the offices are located and more about the districts within the council. Who Should I Call?Unsure who you should call at the council office about an event? Listed below are many of the staff assignments for the professional staff as well as the member of the management staff who work with them on these projects. Contact information for both the professional staff and management staff can be found on the Staff Directory.