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Merit Badge Sponsorship
See what organizations have stepped up and are sponsoring a merit badge in Great Lakes Council. ~CLICK HERE~
Fiscal Procedures for BSA Units
This set of guidelines from the National Council will help answer many of the Frequently Asked Questions about unit finances.
Tax Exempt Status for Units
How does a unit get its tax exempt status? This is a question that comes up frequently. Here is the answer from the National Council.
Membership in the Boy Scouts of America during childhood, adolescence and adulthood plays a major role in shaping lasting values and the use of these values in daily life. Take a stand on teaching character and integrity to the young people of our country by making a contribution to your local council today. It's the smartest investment you can make, an investment in the greatest asset America has—its children.
The Great Lakes Council has several ways available to provide the support needed to keep Scouting alive in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties. Click the links below to find out more.
Who Pays for Scouting
To keep Scouting in the Detroit Council moving forward, and to bring our values-based programs to more areas, young people requires the participation of youth and volunteers, as well as the financial support of the community.
Youth Members
Assisted by their parents or guardians, boys in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Varsity Scouting, and young men and women in Venturing pay their share from personal savings and participation in money-earning projects.
Members buy their own uniforms, handbooks, and personal equipment and pay their own camp fees.
Dues and funds from approved money-earning projects meet expenses for supplies and activities in the Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, and Venturing crew. These monies help pay for camping equipment, registration fees, Boys' Life magazine, uniform insignia, special activities, and program materials.
Chartered Organizations
Each chartered organization using the Scouting program provides a meeting place and adult volunteer leadership for its BSA unit(s). The chartered organization and local council must approve unit money-earning projects before the launch of the project.
The Great Lakes Council's revenue sources include United Way, Friends of Scouting campaign, project sales, special events, and bequests. We use this money to serve existing units, organizate additional units, train leaders, maintain and operate to camp facilities (Camp Agawam, Edward N. Cole Canoe Base, D-bar-A Scout Ranch, and Lost Lake Scout Reservation), and maintain and operate the Dauch Scout Council Service Center and Waterford Service Center where we maintain records and information.
National Council
The National Council, Boy Scouts of America, receives its revenue through members' registration fees, magazine subscriptions and ads, supply division uniform and equipment sales, grants, and national service fees. With this funding, it is able to provide local council assistance, program research and development, program materials, professional training, communications, and local council insurance and benefits.