Wood Badge
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Wood Badge Scholarships
Wood Badge is a training course for Scouters which finally results in their receiving a certificate, a small neckerchief, a leather slide, and two small wooden beads on a leather thong. Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, directed the first course in 1919 and gave each of the participants one of the beads which he had captured from the African chieftain Dinizulu. Thus did the course name develop, for its symbol was literally a badge of wood.
Wood Badge is, further, Scouting's premier training course. Baden-Powell designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is first and foremost, learning by doing. The members of the course are formed into patrols and these into a troop.
2012 Great Lakes Council Wood Badge Courses
May 4-6, 2012 - D-bar-A Scout Ranch
May 18-20, 2012 - Camp Agawam
Flier | Paper Registration | Staff Registration
C2-272-12-2 (Course Canceled)
Aug 24-26, 2012 - D-bar-A Scout Ranch
Sep 7-9, 2012 - Camp Agawam
Sep 13-15, 2012 - D-bar-A Scout Ranch
Sep 27-29, 2012 - D-bar-A Scout Ranch
Flier | Staff Registration
Wood Badge has four specific objectives 
As a result of attending Wood Badge, participants will be able to:
- View Scouting globally, as a family of interrelated, values-based programs that provide age-appropriate activities for youth.
- Recognize the contemporary leadership concepts utilized in corporate America and leading government organizations that are relevant to our values-based movement.
- Apply the skills they learn from their participation as a member of a successful working team.
- Revitalize their commitment by sharing in an overall inspirational experience that helps provide Scouting with the leadership it needs to accomplish its mission on an ongoing basis.
Wood Badge Five Central Themes
The themes that follow encapsulate the course content of Wood Badge for the Twenty-First Century.
Living the Values
- Values, Mission, and Vision
- Aims and Methods
Bringing the Vision to Life
- Listening to Learn
- Communicating
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Valuing People and Leveraging Diversity
- Coaching and Mentoring
Models for Success
- Team Development Model
- Situational Leadership
Tools of the Trade
- Project Planning
- Problem Solving
- Managing Conflict
- Assessing Team Performance
- Managing Change
- Celebrating Team Success
Leading to Make a Difference
- Leaving a Legacy
- Learning the Greatest Leadership Secret
Wood Badge Overview and Delivery
Course Overview:
Wood Badge for the 21st century may be delivered to all Scout leaders. It has been developed for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders, as well as council and district leaders. Its focus is on leadership, not out-of-door skills. The following information is designed to provide you with key information and to help your council roll out the new course
Course Delivery:
The first part of the new Wood Badge course reflects unit meetings, while the second part of the course uses a unit camping activity as its delivery model.During Wood Badge, the model Boy Scout troop will serve as a laboratory for training purposes. This is done for several reasons:
- The Boy Scout troop simulation provides a good framework in which to practice the leadership skills introduced in the course.
- Boy Scouting provides a natural bridge between the various programs in Scouting, and leaders should understand the importance of transition.
- It would be difficult and most likely confusing to simultaneously model Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing in one course.
What is a Wood Badge Ticket?
During the years preceding Scouting, British soldiers who were stationed overseas had to earn their passage or ticket home after their term of service was complete. This is why it is called a TICKET, but just what is it?
A ticket is a contract between you and a member of the staff usually referred to as a Troop Guide or Ticket Counselor. This contract is your commitment to practice using the Leadership Skills taught at Wood Badge in the performance of your Scouting job.