Great Lakes Council, BSA

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Shooting Sports Day

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October 8, 2011

Boy Scout Shooting Day registration



For: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers
When: October 8, 2011
Where: D-bar-A Scout Ranch
880 E. Sutton Road
Metamora, MI 48455
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Cost: $25.00 per particpant (lunch included)


Spend the day using the Lonesome Pines ranges and improve your shooting skills, finish that partial merit badge from summer camp or just have fun.  We will be shooting the following:

  • Archery – Recurve and Compound Bows
  • Muzzle Loaders - .50 cal
  • Paintball Archery – Come see it and try it out
  • Rifles - .22 cal Bolt Action Single Shot
  • Shotguns – 12 ga Semi-automatics

DO NOT bring personal firearms or archery equipment to camp. 
We will use the camp shooting equipment.

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Refunds may be subject to an administrative fee and some deposits are non-refundable. Details can be found under each activity sign-up page.