Advancement by ProgramCub Scout Advancement
On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.
Boy Scout Advancement
New Eagle Project Requirements Eagle Scout rank requirement 5 has been reworded. To support that change, a new Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook has been created. Eagle Scout Rank Process/Resources:
Merit Badge Counselor Information:
National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Information:
Venturing AdvancementOne of the strengths of the Venturing program is its ability to meet the interests of all Venturers. Sometimes Venturers like to investigate new, different areas. Variety in a crew always seems to make it more fun to go to meetings and outings. Also, Venturers probably have many interests or would like to have more. Because of that desire, and to provide a pathway to many different experiences, the Venturing awards program is offered. Resources/Links: |