Camping Awards
Year Round Camping Award |
Spend at least one night camping for twelve consecutive months and earn the “Year Round Camping Award” patch. Any recent consecutive twelve-month period qualifies. Camping may be with your troop or your family. One long-term troop summer camp may be used to count for two consecutive summer months. (For example, summer camp in July could count for June and July or July and August.) This award is available to any registered adult or youth boy scout member of Great Lakes Council, Boy Scouts of America. Patches can be purchased at either the Dauch Scout Center or the Waterford Scout Center.
All troop, post, Varsity team or Venturing crew youth and adults may earn this award.
- Recipients must spend at least one night camping with their patrol or family for twelve consecutive months. Any recent consecutive twelve-month period qualifies.
- One long-term troop summer camp of at least six nights may be used to count for the month of the event and the subsequent or previous month. (For example, summer camp in July could count for June and July, or July and August.)
- One high adventure of at least four nights may be used to count for the month of the event and the subsequent or previous month.
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Polar Bear Camper Award |
All troop, post, Varsity team or Venturing crew youth and adults may earn this award.
- Recipients must camp, using the patrol method, for a minimum of 24 hours consecutively in a tent or other unheated shelter between December 1 and March 31, including cooking and eating a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner.
- Except in an emergency, the only buildings that may be entered during the 24-hour period are a latrine or a church.
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Arrowhead Camper Award |
All pack, troop and crew youth may earn their version of this award. This award is not offered to adults.
In a 12 month period, the recipient must complete the following requirements.
Patrol/Den Activities – Participate with your patrol/den in at least 3 of the following activities.
- Day Hike
- Conservation Project
- Community Service Project
- Parent/Son Activity
- District Winter Event
- District Spring Event
- Camporee (Boy Scouts and Webelos only)
Short-Term Camping – Participate in short-term campouts…
- Boy Scout – 4 short-term campouts
- Webelos – 2 short-term campouts
- Cub Scout – 2 backyard and/or family campouts
Long-Term Camping – Attend…
- Boy Scout – a long-term camp of six or more straight days and five nights
- Webelos – Webelos resident camp
- Cub Scout – Cub day camp
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