Trail to Eagle CampTrail To Eagle 2012 CLICK HERE to see a few pictures from the 2012 Trail Toi Eagle. Requirements
*The cost is subject to change **The deposit will be applied to the total Eagle Scout Camp Fee. The deposit is refunded if notice of cancellation is received by May 15, 2012. All fees must be paid by June 11, 2012. Register ***LIMITED TO THE FIRST 160 CANDIDATES Online (Preferred Method): Apply online with the option of paying deposit/or full payment by credit card, or mailing in payment by: June 11, 2012.** Online Registration Opens: September 1. **If applying after June 11, 2012, you will need to contact: Contact Phone: (or Phone: (734) 464-8979 July 1-7 2012The Trail to Eagle (TTE) program is specifically designed program for the older Scout to give him the opportunity to work on the merit badges he needs to finish his Eagle Scout rank requirements. It is a one week, highly structured program sponsored by the Great Lakes Council and held at D-bar-A Scout Ranch. Scouts must be at least 13 years old, and in the seventh grade. The Great Lakes Council is proud to sponsor the 18th year of the Trail to Eagle Program.
Over 55% of our candidates have attained the rank of Eagle Scout and even more are still working on achieving this lofty goal. We have had 60 staff members who have been with the program for ten years or more. There is a ratio of one staff member for every two youth.
TTE camp 2012 will offer over 40 “scheduled” merit badges. The specially picked staff will counsel at least 12 Eagle required merit badges. In addition, TTE will be offering many “see counselor” merit badges from our diversely experienced adult staff. All participants, who are called “Eagle Candidates” will be divided into provisional units, and will be based out of the cabins at D-bar-A Scout Ranch. Overseeing the Scouts will be at least three Scoutmasters and a JASM, many of whom are Eagle Scouts, and in most cases have gone thru the TTE program. All meals will be served, by the highly qualified food service staff, in Wyckoff Lodge. While the emphasis is on earning merit badges, there will be many other high adventure activities which all add to the fun. These include: flag
Also throughout the week, the Eagle Candidates are competing in a patrol flag competition, as well as the highly coveted Troop Spirit Award. Troops demonstrate their spirit with cheers and songs performed at assemblies before and during all meals. One of the MOST sought after distinctions is the George Thomas Award. This award is presented to Eagle Candidates, who exhibit the same spirit and enthusiasm that this outstanding Scouter showed for the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Upon completion of the Trail to Eagle Camp, there is a special honors ceremony for the Eagle Candidates. The special event is open to and highly encouraged for all parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to attend. |