Great Lakes Council, BSA

Join Scouts

Credential Hike Checklist

Trek Date Summary

Download a Word version of the checklist

At least 120  to 60 days before the trek:

[   ]    Read "Chief Pontiac Trail Credential Hike Program Rules" Available on this website or through the Great Lakes Council Program Dept.

Check with the GLC program dept. to determine available Trek dates. A maximum of 2 crews of 12 people each will be permitted to start on the CPTrail on any given day.

9 WEEKS before the trek

[   ]    Register your trek with the GLC program dept by submitting the Credential Hike Registration Form and paying a $25 unit deposit per crew. The form MUST contain the names of the hikers planning to undertake the trek. Forms with blank roster sections will not be accepted.

This will confirm your date on the CPT Trek calendar maintained by the GLC program dept. The CPT committee will then designate a CPT Guide to work with your unit throughout the remainder of the process. Your Guide will contact the Trek Leader listed on your registration form.

6 WEEKS before the trek

[   ]   Chief Pontiac (or OA lodge) reports must be submitted as a group to your designated CPT Guide.

Before submitting your reports the Trek leader should review them, to determine their conformance to the requirements listed in the "Chief Pontiac Trail Credential Hike Program Rules".  Specifically regarding no pencil, 300 words minimum, bibliography, legibility/readability, no obvious plagiarism within the group.

[   ]   Make your camping and/or canoe rental reservations with the parks.

 At least 2 WEEKS before the trek:

 [   ]    Submit your tour permit to your council for approval
 [   ]    Make sure your reservations for camping and/or canoe rentals are firm.

 The Trek:

 [   ]    All hikers must be in uniformed in such a manner as to be easily recognized as Scouts on the trail. We strongly suggest that all hikers wear the same or very similar shirts or headgear that identifies them as scouts. The purpose of this is to let the community know that scouting is alive and well.  Enjoy your trip on the CPTrail, remember we only promise rain…

 6 WEEKS after the trek:

 [   ]    Trek reports and map sketches must be submitted, as a group, to your CPT Guide by this date.

 Before submitting your reports, the Trek leader should review them, to determine their conformance to the requirements listed in the "Chief Pontiac Trail Credential Hike Program Rules". Specifically regarding no pencil, 250 words minimum, legibility/readability

[   ]    Contact your CPT Guide to arrange a final date for a Court of Honor at which your well earned CPT Credential Hike Medals will be awarded in an impressive ceremony.  We will NOT present CPT Credential Medals at any Eagle Court of Honor unless the Eagle candidate specifically requests it in person.

Please consider doing a service project for the trail to earn the CPT Service patch within a year of your trek. Ask your Guide about the service patch and the Circle the Fire patch. Adults over 21, consider volunteering as a CPT Guide.

( All CPT Trek Guide Maps).