Michigan Crossroads Council UpdatesField Service Councils The state is being divided into four field service councils. Click on the map below for a more detailed map.
Volunteer Scouters have been watching our units and our membership decline over the past twenty years. The last five years have been even more severe as we have witnessed the outmigration of Michigan workers. Recognizing this negative membership trend, a group of over 100 volunteer Scout leaders and select professionals from Area 2 of the Central Region set out to find a better method of delivering the Scouting program to the youth of Michigan and Ohio. The result of their efforts was the Crossroads Recommendation. Last night, the voting members in nine of the eleven councils in Area 2 passed this forward looking recommendation by a significant margin. This will result in the formation of a new “Coordinating Council” that will lead the Scouting program in Michigan’s lower peninsula. We acknowledge the efforts of everyone who worked toward this recommendation. Your commitment to Scouting is the force that has driven this program for the past century. With the establishment of the Michigan Crossroads Council, the next phase of our journey begins. As updates are made available, they will be posted on this page. Please check back often to keep abreast of what is happening within Michigan and the new Michigan Crossroads Council. Greater Michigan Council Information & Updates