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The Huron River Canoe Splash

Affordable High Adventure for everyone.

Canoe the entire length of the Huron River in 5 days, 110 miles. 
14 dams and two rapids to portage. This is not easy. 7 to 9 hours of paddling per day.

Where: The Huron River beginning at Proud Lake State Recreation Area, finishing at Point Mouillee DNR Boat Launch
When: August 9 to 14, 2012
Who: ALL who are 14 and older or completed the 8th Grade, ALL BSA registered and current adults, YPT. Forms (3); BSA annual swim test signed, Medical Checkup, Parental Consent
How: By canoe or kayak, long days, skill, strong arms and backs. Life jackets must beworn at all times.
Cost: $300.00 per person if you rent a canoe, $190.00 per person if use your own canoe.
Registration: Register by the individual or troop.
A deposit of $50.00/per person is required.
Register Here
More Information: Huron River Canoe Splash Flier