Welcome to Scouting!

"Where do I go to find...?"
Here are some links to places that parents and leaders often ask about.
- This is the National Council web site.
- If you are looking for a unit in your area, this is the place to start.
Training Calendar - We like to say that "every Scout deserves a trained leader." Here is where you can find the training opportunities within the council.
- Take online training, fill out a Tour Permit, learn more about the Scouting program, and much more.
Scouting Safely
- A part of MyScouting, information is available on BSA guidelines and policies, safety alerts, insurance, training, and awards.
Forms Page - Many BSA forms in PDF including leader awards.
Family Talk Guide
- How to talk with your kids about drinking.
If there are additional areas that you feel should be included, please contact the .
This section of our website will give you an idea of what Scouts do and how your whole family fits in.
Parents, there is a way to dramatically improve your child’s chances of making better choices, succeeding in life and becoming a leader. And, he or she can do it all while having a whole lot of fun! You don’t have to look any further – you’ve found it, here in Scouting. (Yes, we meant to say “she” earlier. Click here and read the part about “Venturing”)
I'm a Leader. Now What?
It's a natural question. Here are some pages that will help answer it.
If you have questions about this, or any section of the website, Feel free to contact one of the Great Lakes Council Service Centers. Click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of each page for the locations and phone numbers. The contact information for the professional, support, and camp staff of the council may be found on the GLC Staff page. If all else fails, you may e-mail the . We’ll get your email to the person whom can best serve you.