Cole Canoe Base Boy Scout Summer Camp
- Check Availability;
- Download, complete, and submit application;
- Mail completed application along with a $100 non-refundable deposit.
>>Also see Provisional Summer Camp
Fee Schedule & Installment Payments
Units can make 4 monthly installment payments beginning in February of the upcoming camping season.
Pre-Camp Information
Cole Canoe Base Chronicle

Attention leaders/parents, check out the Cole Canoe Base Chronicle. This is a 4-month newsletter containing information on the happenings at Cole Canoe Base Boy Scout Summer Camp.
Merit Badges

Summer Camp Merit Badge schedules will be available on the web site after the Pre-Camp Leaders' orientation.
Register Online Beginning May 1.

Required Forms
Awards & Other Programs

Boy Scout Traditional Summer Camp Program
The traditional summer camp program begin the fourth week in June and goes through the first week of August (7 Weeks). provided by all scout camps around the country that includes merit badges, nightly program opportunities, first year camper experience, and other age appropriate activities to keep all age levels of scouts and scouters interested in the scouting movement.
Summer Camp 2011
The Great Lakes Council Camps would like to thank all those units that attended 2011 summer camp at Cole Canoe Base. We hope you enjoyed your summer!
>>>>>Please click here to report your 2011 summer camp attendance
2012 Traditional Boy Scout Summer Camp |
We are currenly accepting reservations for 2012 summer camp. Please click on the green button below to check availability.
After you have checked availability, download, complete, and submit your application. The application is on the right side of this page. All reservations are made on first-come, first serve basis.
Program Features |
Program Highlights
RIver Rat Rodeo |
84+ Merit Badges
Eco/Con Live!
Open Swimming, Boating, Shooting Sports
Broken Paddle Trail
1st Year Camper Program
Eagle's Nest
Hunter's Safety, DNR Certification
Boater's Safety, DNR Certification
The Fabulous Beast Feast
Nature Scavenger Contest
River Program
Ice Cream Social
The Dance Party
Low Impact Camping Training
L.O.S.T. (Legendary Outdoor Skills Tournament)
Canoe Slalom Course
Crafts on Fire
Premier Fishing
Paddle Craft Safety
Snorkeling BSA
Scurba BSA
Kayaking BSA
Climbing & Bouldering
Paintball Course
Our Friday afternoon water carnival on Bosco Lake. The most
exciting event of the week; canoe events, rowboat events, war
canoe races and rump bumping and so much more!. Most events
make use of our special canoes. Your week at Cole Canoe Base
prepares your unit for the rodeo. |
At Cole Canoe Base, there will be absolutely the best closing
campfire program you have ever seen - guaranteed. Bring the
whole family and your camera and enjoy! Be part of the fun.
Please bring a skit or song to share. Don't forget to be at the
Cosgro Campfire Arena on Friday evening at 9:00 p.m.! |
Beast Feast |
The Beast Feast is a super sized cooking demonstration and
camp-wide meal held in the Outdoor Skills Area on Monday
evening. Included is the camp-wide cooking contest, one of the
best you'll ever see! Just imagine turkey, onion rings, battered
mushrooms, cobblers, cakes, Dutch oven stew, hot rock chicken,
buffalo stew, roast venison, bread on a stick and much more.
Don't forget the pie-eating contest! It's keeps getting better every
year! The Beast Feast is HUGE! Don't miss out on any mouthfuls
of fun food and just plain good eating. |
Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Festival |
Participate in the camp-wide Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Festival
featuring lumber camp events. Fun and challenging and everyone
wins! This event is held on Thursday evening and is unique, fun,
and something you'll talk about all year. |
Fun Food Events |
Rootbeer guzzling for the big kids! Pie eating contest, WOW what
a mess! Flapjack contest at the Paul Bunyan. Ice Cream Social is
still the best! |
Also See>>CCB High Adventure Camping | Lost Lake Scout Reservation